
Multi-Purpose Interactive Scientific Graphics for Java

Mark Phillips

This is the reference manual for Multigraph (

Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Terms of Use
2.1. GNU General Public License
3. Obtaining and Compiling Multigraph
4. MultiGraphlet Configuration and Usage
4.1. Overview
4.2. MultiGraphlet Station Specification
4.3. MultiGraphlet Graph Specification
4.3.1. "verticalscale" sections
4.3.2. "vlabels" section
4.3.3. "element" sections
4.4. Data Server
4.4.1. Data Requests
4.4.2. POR Requests
4.4.3. NOTE
4.5. MultiGraphlet Applet Tag
4.6. MultiGraphlet Configuration Checklist
4.7. MultiGraphlet Example
A. Definitions
B. Timezone Names